Shop Steward Spotlight: Zuanette Cabrera
December 13, 2023
Tell us about your work. What do you do? How long have you worked there? [ZC]: I am currently an
Read the latest updates at CWA Local 1037.
December 13, 2023
Tell us about your work. What do you do? How long have you worked there? [ZC]: I am currently an
December 11, 2023
On November 30, CWA members from Local 1037, 1036, 1033, and 1032, along with allies from Working Families and the
October 26, 2023
Tell us about your work. How do you do? How long have you worked there? [CM] — I’m the head
October 26, 2023
On October 25, CWA Local 1037 members at The Leaguers, Inc. rallied against increases in healthcare costs management is attempting
October 23, 2023
On Saturday, October 21, CWA Local 1037 Shop Stewards in the childcare industry attended an all-day training session in Newark.
October 18, 2023
On Monday, October 16, CWA State Workers voted yes to ratify a new union contract with the State of New
September 29, 2023
CWA has reached an agreement with the State of New Jersey. Read below for more information. Summary of the Agreement
September 28, 2023
For more information on the Emergency Meetings and Ratification, click here. CWA is extremely proud to announce that it has
September 28, 2023
True legislative and political power comes from an organized working class fighting for JUSTICE. We must elect pro-worker candidates so