On Tuesday, July 12, DCF Administrative Clerical CWA 1037 and 1038 Stewards of Department of Children and Families, traveled to Trenton to deliver over 1400 letters to DCF Commissioner, Christine Norbut Beyer, urging her to include DCF Clerical in the Telework Pilot Program.
The letters, part of a campaign to urge the Commissioner to reconsider the exclusion, were signed by CWA members and supporters sent to the DCF Commissioner, the Civil Service Commission, and Governor Murphy.

Shop Stewards, wearing CWA red, marched to the DCF Headquarters in Trenton to request a meeting with the Commissioner to discuss the blanket exclusion of clerical staff in DCP&P and SER. However, after waiting over 45 minutes, workers were told that the Commissioner was not available. The Commissioner did not meet with the workers and did not send anyone from her office to accept the letters. Instead, a representative from Employee Relations accepted the letters. CWA Shop Stewards sat with the Employee Relations representative to discuss that the exclusion of workers who were deemed the backbone of the workplace during the height of the pandemic was a lack of respect.

Marching out of the building, workers chanted “We’ll be back!” and “This is about respect!” DCP&P Clerical workers are undeterred and will continue to fight for equity and respect. Click here to watch the livestream of the letter delivery.